Postage Stamps (2015-16)

Sandarbha Desk
Sandarbha Desk

July 2016

  1. A commemorative postage stamp on BSE was issued

June 2016

  1. A commemorative postage stamp on SURYA NAMASKAR was issued.

May 2016

  1. Swami Chidananda

April 2016

  1. Govardhanram Tripathi
  2. Fire Services of India

March 2016

  1. Allahabad High Court
  2. Allahabad High Court- Lucknow Bench
  3. National Archives of India
  4. INDIA-UN Women HeForShe

February 2016

  1. International Fleet Review

January 2016

  1. Vibrant India
  2. Income Tax Appellate Tribunal

December 2015

  1. Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis
  2. Alagumuthu Kone
  3. Sumitranandan Pant
  4. Zoological Survey of India

November 2015

  1. EEPC India
  2. India-Singapore: Joint Issue
  3. BHEL
  4. Children’s Day
  5. Third Gorkha Rifles
  6. First Gorkha Rifles

October 2015

  1. 3rd India-Africa Forum Summit
  2. Border Security Force
  3. Peti Charkha
  4. Bardoli Charka
  5. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
  6. Mahant Avaidyanath

September 2015

  1. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar and Constitution of India
  2. Valour & Sacrifice – 1965 War
  3. 10th World Hindi Conference
  4. Women Empowerment

August 2015

  1. Samrat Ashoka


Also Read:-Class 6 Chapter 4 History in Hindi- In the earliest cities

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